Speaker Information
Thank you for taking part in Modelling World 2023 taking place taking place at the Birmingham Conference & Events Centre on Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd November.
Speakers are granted compliementary access to the event.
To prevent important messages regarding being moved to your e-mail junk folder, please ensure conferences@landor.co.uk has been added to your email providers safe senders list
Any queries regarding anything technical, please contact conferences@landor.co.uk
For queries regarding content, please contact Juliana O'Rourke.
The full programme can be viewed HERE
We request all speakers provide to send a recent photograph and a short 100 world biography by Wednesday 18th October 2023.
Your headshot will be included on the event website, marketing material and in the delegate packs handed out on the day.
Photos submtted after this date will NOT be included in the delegate pack.
All presentations must be submitted no later than Wednesday 25th October, so they can be assessed by the conference team prior to the event and loaded onto the conference machines in advance of the event.
This should be a version that is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and in a 16:9 screen ratio.
All presentations must be sent to conferences@landor.co.uk
Presentations can be submitted via email, or WeTransfer as a reliable alternative up to 2GB.
We also recommend bringing a backup copy of your slides on a USB stick.
We cannot accept slides in the following formats:
Videos and audio used in the presentation MUST be embedded into the slides in case of internet connectivity issues on the day.
All speakers to be in their allocated room 10 minutes before the scheduled start time to ensure the session begins on time.
Technical support will be provided.
All conference attendees will be emailed a link to view all the presentations in used during the event.
If there is anything of a particularly sensitive nature you would like to be edited out of your presentation, this is possible if you let us know immediately after the event/