About the networking dinner
The networking dinner takes place on the evening of October 5th, in the impressive Warwickshire Suite at Edgbaston Stadium.
The 3-course dinner and reception give speakers, delegates, sponsors and exhibitors a unique opportunity to meet pre-event, network and catch-up in an informal and social environment.
A sponsored drinks reception at the bar will be open after dinner for those that wish to stay longer for networking and meeting with peers and colleagues.
Places at dinner are strictly limited to 200 (20 tables of 10).
To attend, please ensure you have booked the Conference and Dinner package if you intend to attend both. The dinner price is inclusive of drinks before, during and after the meal. A selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available to choose from.
Book early to guarantee a place at this must-attend networking experience!
The Warwickshire Suite opens for networking Drinks at 18:30, with guest seated for dinner at 19.30.
Networking dinner timetable
Tuesday 5th October 2021
3rd Floor Reception Area
Registration opens, with seating for dinner beginning at 19.00.
Pre-dinner drinks are sponsored by Meridan Business Support.
Warwickshire Suite
Networking dinner
A three-course dinner is served, followed by after dinner speeches by:
Anna Watt, Commonwealth Games 2022 Modelling and Mapping Manager, Transport for West Midlands
Firuz Sulaimi, Commonwealth Games 2022 Principal Transport Modeller, Transport For West Midlands
Networking Dinner close
Published programme is subject to change